Monday, September 28, 2009

Patron Saint

The Saint Arnold brewery was named for the patron saint of brewing, a man who taught people that how to brew beer, which would keep them from drinking tainted water. For that, apparently, he was made a saint.

Each Saturday afternoon, the brewery opens their doors to the public for a two hour "tour" and tasting. The tour costs five dollars, and visitors are given a small tasting glass and four tokens to fill the glass. Visitors are allowed to trade up their glasses, receiving a dollar off the larger logo glasses. So long as the glass you're holding has the brewery's logo on it, you can get it filled for a single token. On subsequent visits, you are allowed to bring your previously purchased glassware. Five dollars for a souvenir glass and four fresh, quality beers is quite a deal.

The "tour" starts at a little after 1:00 p.m. and consists of a short speech going over the history of the brewery, and perhaps something about their beers. To be honest, standing in the vast warehouse it was really difficult to discern anything that was said. Following the talk, the tasting begins. Tasting stations (also known as tapped kegs) are set up around the hall, with their various brews on offer. At 3:00 p.m. the tasting ends and the hall clears out.

The brewery is scheduled to be moved to a new location, a bit closer to downtown Houston. Hopefully the tastings will continue.

For more information on the brewery and tastings, visit the Saint Arnold Brewing Company homepage.

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